To make them, all you need is some already cooked burgers or you can season the ground turkey meat however you like and make them from scratch. To make my burgers from scratch, I chop one small onion, 1/2 green pepper, 5 cloves of garlic and a handful of fresh flat parsley. I mix the veggies with the ground turkey and add salt and pepper and some worchestire sauce and let it marinate for about an hour. Then I put them on the grill.
Anyway, back to the already cooked burgers. I heat up my cast iron skillet and add enough oil to coat the pan. Once its hot enough, I throw in the burgers and chop them up in the skillet and heat the meat. Once the food is hot, I turn off the flame and separate the meat into individual portions in the skillet and add 1/2 slice of cheese (I used pepperjack) or you could have it sans cheese, and I cover the skillet.
Meanwhile, I turn on a different flame on the stove ( I don't really know if you can do this with an electric stovetop) and I place my tortilla on it and flip it after about 20-30 seconds to warm it up.
I then place my tortilla on my plate, I add sliced tomatoes, raw spinach, avocado slices and finally, the ground turkey. I also like to add some ketchup and voila, you've got another yummy meal!
This is how they turned out.
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