
Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Summer planning

It's that time of year again!  I like to sit down with my family and create a list of activities/trips we'd all like to do during the summer.  This year is slightly different because we'll have the new baby and aren't planning on taking a big trip, which has actually decreased some anxiety with having to plan and budget for it.  Also, because of this new baby and the fact that I have the entire summer off (yay...that has only happened once in my adult life!), funds are lower, so our plans can't be ostentatious!

I usually try to enroll him in day camp for a while, but he's at a weird age (too old for certain camps and too young for others), plus I will be at home so he can just hang with us.

I always check out the community paper for local events, "Like" local group pages on Facebook for great word of mouth info and check out online sites like Timeout and Uwishunu for ideas.  Also, join Living Social and Groupon for discounts.

Here's what we came up with this year.  It has pretty much the same things as last year, with a few things added in.

What summer plans do you have?

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Waiting for baby...

So, I haven't posted in forever, simply because I had been so busy with work and caring for an energized toddler coupled with complete exhaustion!  I have recently gone on maternity leave, which has been great, and have finally been able to tackle my multiple home projects.  Its funny how many things can pile up when you are busy.  Plus, with the new arrival coming very soon, I had to do some organizing and clearing to make room.
As of now (I am due in a week) everything is ready and I have nothing left to do but complain!  Nature has a way of erasing the annoyances of the end of the pregnancy from your mind.  I forgot how miserable I become at his point.  Sleep is a joke, my energy has left the building, heartburn is constant and the mix of contractions, back pain, and cramping (which tease you that the big day is imminent) are all the culprits!  Also, to add to the mix, I have a super clingy toddler this go round, so everything feels that much more annoying.  As I mentioned before, I am an L&D nurse and I totally get why these women are coming to the hospital constantly, hoping to be in labor.  Alright, my venting is over!

What things did you guys do when waiting for labor to occur?